Our Nursery School offers high quality education and care in a happy, interactive environment that helps our learners develop holistically. Early learning in our Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a holistic learning experience that integrates socio-emotional, physical and cognitive development. In our PYP classrooms, learning takes place in dynamic environments that promote play, discovery and exploration.
The PYP in Nursery School nurtures and develops young learners as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. The PYP offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding.
The PYP curriculum focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, encouraging learners to take responsibility and ownership of their learning, both in school and in the world beyond. The PYP offers a transformative experience for learners, learners and whole school communities and delivers excellent outcomes by providing an education that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant.
Our curriculum is based on the premise that learners are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process. It prioritizes learners and their relationships to build a strong learning community. Our Nursery learners use their initiative to take responsibility and ownership of their learning. By learning through inquiry and reflecting on their own learning, they develop knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and the attributes of the IB Learner profile.
We focus on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and beyond. The early years in the PYP are transformative experiences for learners and deliver excellent outcomes by providing an education that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. The subject areas in the PYP are:
As children grow they will be supported to develop skills in four specific areas.
Guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, learners broaden their learning by developing their conceptual understandings, strengthening their knowledge and skills across, between, and beyond subject areas. In Nursery School, learners are engaged in four of the following six transdisciplinary themes: